Treasure of Lemon Brown....... Who Said What?????

According to the Story, 

 Who Said What? 

Write the answer below the quote.......

Greg, come here right now! I just got a call from the principle!

          Example ~  Greg's Father
I am sorry, I'll try to do better in math. 

          Example  ~  Greg

So is this a bad time to ask if I can play basketball?

You are failing math and you want to know if you can play basketball? 

Go to your room right now!

I need to take a walk. 

Its raining and I am getting wet. 

Mmmmm, I will go inside the empty building to get out of the rain.

Mmmm, why are there rags everywhere? Why is there a bed? 

Don't get any bad ideas boy! I got a razor that can cut a week into 9 days.

 You're here for my treasure aren't you!

No sir, I here to get out of the rain. 

Who are those people out there?

Bad men. Those are thugs/ robbers coming to steal my treasure.  

Rag man! Lemon Brown! We know you are in there!

I am scared. Hold my hand. 

Here I am Thugs come and get me!


Watch out!

Are you ok? 

Just a few bumps and bruises. 

So so you really have a treasure? 

Every man has got a treasure. 

Why do they call you Lemon Brown? 

I used to play the Blues music so sweet. I traveled playing music until hard times came. 

My son died as a soldier and left me with only this harmonica and these newspaper clippings. Thats my treasure. 

And that is worth fighting for? 

You never give up on the blues. The blues give up on you. Keep singing boy and don't let those troubles get you down. Help them build you. 

I think I should go talk to me father.(Greg Smiled)


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