למידה מרחוק משימה 4 יא 4-5 חידות Treasure of Lemon Brown - Four and Five Points
נה לשמוע ולקרוא את הספור למטה. תענו על השאלות ולשלוח אותם ל TASK 5 myteachermiriam@gmail.com ולמחנכת הכיתה LEMON BROWN - PDF START ON TOP OF PAGE 4 " Greg went to the window....." תחילת PDF ף9 -7 LEMON BROWN AUDIO - הקראה START RECORDING AT 11:20-17:32 min. - תחילת הקלתת הקריאה ב TASK 5 משימה ושאלות 1. Lemon Brown __________ Greg’s hand on the dark staircase. a. abandoned b. squeezed 2. Lemon Brown and Greg hear the thugs’ __________ on the stairs. a. harmonica b. footsteps 3. What are the thugs/robbers looking for? The robbers are looking for.......... 4. Why does Greg howl/scream? Greg howls to........................... Greg howls because.................................... 5. Lemon Brown says " every man's got a treasure ". What do you think he means? What do you think Lemon Brown's treasure is? I infer that Lemon Brown's treasure is................................